I cried A little....

Started by Fieldy, May 03, 2008, 10:09:03 AM

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2 bricks, 1 windscreen......

At least I have posted a new pic of the car though


did they get the bodywork as well ?


A little bit on the pillar and a small bit on the roof, so thats ok. Amazingly the bonnet is fine too


that sucks monkey balls dude.

best bet for a windscreen is A6 windscreens, in barton - le - clay (neart luton)

dramatically cheaper than anyone else for yank windscreens.

A6 Windscreens
118 Bedford Rd
MK45 4LR
Tel. 01582 881260


yeah, i found them the cheapest too.... i think if anyone can get a windscreen he can....... I really hope he can....

where the hell did it happen?

art b

thats shocking....
not nice to find
was it part of a rampage have ya reported it to the scuffers incase they have some scally in mind...
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Quoting: philoldsmobile
A6 Windscreens
118 Bedford Rd
MK45 4LR
Tel. 01582 881260

cheers mate, appreciate that
Quoting: EDGE
where the hell did it happen?

On the driveway The bricks are from next doors broken wall, so it's not necessary that its instigated

Quoting: art b
was it part of a rampage

Don't think so, My housemates car was fine next to mine....

Quoting: art b
have ya reported it to the scuffers incase they have some scally in mind...

Yep, reported, but more for the fact that just say it is A personal vendetta, I can log it all.

I don't know if it was personal, not many people know where I live, plus, on the top of my head, I can't think of anyone who I've Pissed off that much, but, you never know, so I am treating it suspiciously.... I will obviously fix it, then if something happens in the future, I will take it personally.


the only bit that would sugest its deliberate to me is that its on the drivers side.

i have absolutely NO doubt whatsoever A6 windscreens will be able to get the screen, and i'd say about a 75% chance he has it in stock.

he had them on the shelf for both my astro, and my 82 cutlass...


Quoting: philoldsmobile
the only bit that would sugest its deliberate to me is that its on the drivers side.

The car is parked at an angle on the drive, so that is the side nearest the pavement too

I tried ringing, no answer, looks like he's off for his B.Hols but will try Tues....


no worries dude..

the guy usually answers, even on a Sunday, but being bank holiday its difficult to say.

i am starting to wonder though, there have been several instances i have heard of recently where yank cars have been targets for vandalism while other cars have been totally untouched. Tor many people, America is a dirty word these days....

I heard of an instance a little while ago (about a year now) where a Lincoln LSC was totally trashed in a railway station car park, it was the only car that was touched, and it had anti American slogans daubed on it..

lets hope this isn't the start of a trend..


It is worrying, but I have just spoke to my neighbour, and as much as there is very rarely any issues down this street (this is the 1st I have seen in A year) it isn't totally un-common, some drunks smashed his window on his car about 2 years ago....


why cant people leave peoples stuff alone? it really annoys me.


Holy crap that really sux dude

i'd be mortified if I found the IROC like that!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Was that the Truffle ?


Quoting: Roadkill
Was that the Truffle ?


Wish it had been the citroen!


that blows cat chow chunks dude.... fuckin ass holes


I cant see that it's an accident even if the wall was higher higher than the car and the bricks were very loose.  It takes a lot of wind to move a heavy arse brick.

Whoever did that needs their hand smashed between 2 bricks...

PhilO:  I agree about cars being targetted because they're American.  My STS got keyed in a car park in Bricklane while other, fancier cars were left alone, I parked in my usual spot I wasn't taking someone else's favourite space or anything.  And seeing how Bricklane is like the Muslim capital of London and I always felt like the minority there, sorry, I don't believe it's co-incidence.

art b

im sure some of the greenies wont appreciate our cars either...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

art b

im sure some of the greenies wont appreciate our cars either...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Indeed, it's happened a lot in the USA I think.  Although in my case big 4x4s were left alone so...


thats a bummer mate hope it gets sorted soon


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I cant see that it's an accident even if the wall was higher higher than the car and the bricks were very loose. It takes a lot of wind to move a heavy arse brick.

Sorry, just re-read what I 1st wrote and it isn't over clear.....

I meant It might not be planned as they didn't bring their own bricks, the bricks were taken from next door.


Bummer dude. Some people need shootin'!!!


art b

id imagine it was some drunken chavs at that time if night....
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