Paint and clear coat question

Started by Pod, May 05, 2008, 04:02:06 PM

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I'm using spray cans for painting and clear coat.

The clear coat can says to sand the colour paint to get rid of the shine before putting the clear on.

What do you do for the bits you can't reach? (almost all of it, in this case)
Just clear over the paint anyway as it is?


you need to rough it all otherwise it will just flake off, usualy clear is aplied at the flash time of the base


Like I said, most of it I just can't get at to rough it.



Just lay another coat of base down and follow the flash times, probably around 15-30mins. When its ready put the clear on.

Shouldnt sand base


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


the amount of time required between coats.


Quoting: FUBAR

flash times?

When you hear the word flash time its the point at which the paint is almost dry but still wet enough that the next coat will adhere without the need for keying/sanding

If you go past the flash you will need to let the paint cure then scuff it with scotchbrite


oh but you will still need to scuff the base before you apply more as the same principle is at work and it will flake


Just as a matter of interest, BASE coat paint is a totally different type of paint to CLEAR.  You should only scuff or key base IF you are going to apply MORE base, THEN the clear on top.

Sorry G your wrong. Ive been doing this for years mate.



Quoting: nick69


yeah i meant before he applied more base mate, you should only apply clear at flash unless its an intercoat clear in which case you can scuff that with fine scothbrite if it goes to far before applying clear


How do you do that if you're putting effects (eg air brush) or painting a car two-tone, then ?

One colour must be dried first in order for you to be able to mask up and spray the second . . .

How would you clear from that stage ?

Just curious  


thats when you use an intercoat clear or something like PPG D895 Color blender. lay down the base then intercoat clear. lay down your artwork and clear

2 tone you mask the car in half paint then remask



Quoting: 55starchief
2 tone you mask the car in half paint then remask

So you'd use an intercoat clear on the first colour ?

EDIT - what happens if you get a run in the base coat ? - that can't be sanded out at the end can it ?


yeah if it wasnt a solid. My 55 was a solid so no clearcoat but if you have a 2 stage you would need an intercoat clear or simply clear the 1st half then paint the other and clear over the whole car again


Right, I'm still confused.
I've got the engine bay painted with 2 (ish) coats of yellow from MK Paint (pics coming soon).
That will have been on for a couple of days now.
There is no way I can get to all (or much) of it to sand/rough/whatever.

What type of (spray can) clear do I need and what do I need to do to get some clear over the top?

The halfords clear I have says on the can to wet sand the colour paint to remove the shine before spraying on the clear. That isn't really an option - or at least there'll be lots of bits I can't reach.

I'm quite happy to buy something else, but it must be in spray cans.

I'm tempted to just spray this clear on as it is....

It's not going to be perfect - just enough to tidy it up and last a few years. The whole car could do with a full respray, but that won't happen for a while yet.


Quoting: Pod
I'm tempted to just spray this clear on as it is....

That will defiantely flake.

Do you need a clear coat ?

I've sprayed parts before using celly and used no clear coat (eg. Sammy's MX5 wing mirrors) . . . they've been fine.


Right, for starters i would never mix paint brands especialy clear and base as i have done this in the past and had nasty results with the clear destroying the base.

Are you sure that your paint is a 2 stage? solid colours are normaly only a single stage with pearl,mica and metallic being 2 or 3 stage


If the yellow is shiny it doesnt need clearcoat as its a solid.

You should never rub down basecoat unless you are applying another coat as it will show through the clear, Solids are the only paint you should flat before laying on a clearcoat. If it is a basecoat it should turn matt at which time when its flashed it should be cleared. if its shiny when dry i would leave it as is, as clearcoat in a can is crap.

art b

Quoting: Rocky
If the yellow is shiny it doesnt need clearcoat as its a solid.

You should never rub down basecoat unless you are applying another coat as it will show through the clear, Solids are the only paint you should flat before laying on a clearcoat. If it is a basecoat it should turn matt at which time when its flashed it should be cleared. if its shiny when dry i would leave it as is, as clearcoat in a can is crap.

theres the answer from an expert.....
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art b

Quoting: Rocky
If the yellow is shiny it doesnt need clearcoat as its a solid.

You should never rub down basecoat unless you are applying another coat as it will show through the clear, Solids are the only paint you should flat before laying on a clearcoat. If it is a basecoat it should turn matt at which time when its flashed it should be cleared. if its shiny when dry i would leave it as is, as clearcoat in a can is crap.

theres the answer from an expert.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: Rocky
If the yellow is shiny it doesnt need clearcoat as its a solid.

Cool, so it's finished.

Here's the pics so far. They are quite big....\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Oh, the gallery won't let me upload anymore pics, either from home or work.


Looks good, excellent use of carrier-bags.

Time to start getting it back together.

Have you got an on-going project thread, here ?

art b

nicely done...

looks like a right pita job....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: