For the first time ever the IROC wouldn't start!!!

Started by HardRockCamaro, May 06, 2008, 03:14:25 PM

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Well it has been languishing in the lockup for months so the battery was 99.9% dead...

Plus dopey here didn't stab the throttle on the second rotation of the crank like I normally do when brining it out of hibernation if the battery is low...

So I pushed her out of the garage and used the Caddy for the jump.

Once fired up there were no problems, and I went for a nice long drive with the t-tops off listening to my favourite music.  Sheer heaven...

Looking at the odometer it was showing just 160 miles since it rolled over to 100,000 two years ago..  

Really need to drive it more so I can justify keeping it...

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Really need to drive it more so I can justify keeping it...

I hear ya Bro, trouble is us poor people have to work all hours god sends to pay the bills

I only managed 1,106 miles in the Zee last year and so far this year I've done  424

Have managed to put over 1,000 miles on the Honda though and the Panda is fast approaching 30,000 miles on it's 2nd birthday next week

Oh and 3,000 miles on the Beatch by next weekend


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Really need to drive it more so I can justify keeping it...


Bet she got the blood pumping though


Quoting: CJ-IROCZ
Bet she got the blood pumping though

Hell yeah, I had it washed so the tail was going everywhere out of every junction.  I'd forgotten how tail happy that car is...


Quoting: F Body
I hear ya Bro, trouble is us poor people have to work all hours god sends to pay the bills  

There is that although it costs the same for me to drive the Maro or the Caddy really.

The problem is it's in a lockup about 2 miles drive from my house and I'm just too lazy to drive over there and swap it over with the STS to use for the day instead of the Caddy.
I used to go to car shows, meets and Santa Pod etc with it but I can't be bothered with most of that anymore and if I drive to N Wales to see the folks I take the Caddy because it's just so comfy (and actually quicker anyways).

I will make the effort to use it on nice days this year though...

If I don't it's really got to go.  It would save me £1,000 a year just getting shot of it plus of course there is money tied up in it.  But I'd really hope it would go to someone who would keep it in good nick as opposed to trash it as there aren't many good ones around nowadays...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
But I'd really hope it would go to someone who would keep it in good nick

Over the past 2 years ive lost count of people who have got rid of their cars and regreted it.

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Over the past  20 years ive lost count of people who have got rid of their cars and regreted it.

You have been warned


What about putting the Caddy in the lock up for a week or two . . . use the IROC as a daily for a bit ?


Good idea except I wouldn't like to park the IROC in my side street for fear of it being vandalised.  Car crime is pretty bad around here and I don't like leaving the Caddy on the street here, but I have no choice.  At least the Caddy blends in with all the other cars, it's fairly non descript.


Another nice day so I made the effort again today and drove to my office in it...

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Another nice day so I made the effort again today and drove to my office in it...

I'd use my Zee for work more often if I didn't live less than 2 miles away


Quoting: F Body
I only managed 1,106 miles in the Zee last year and so far this year I've done 424

I did alot more than that and mine was off the road for 6 months...

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
I broke my Z28 a lot more than you and it was off the road for 6 months...

Just don't have the time to do "special" Z28 trips