there is a reason cars are fitted with MIRRORS!

Started by philoldsmobile, May 13, 2008, 12:47:30 PM

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taxis OMFG... equal number one, or slot in just above trucks!


F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
You missed Taxis.

Quoting: philoldsmobile
taxis OMFG...

Or as I call them Scum of the Earth  

There is no way I would EVER take a taxi in Luton


Quoting: philoldsmobile
front wing..

All due respect dude, that's the part I thought....

If you were doing 5mph as you stated, there is every chance he did check his mirrors, bad timing as you were in his blind spot. You travel the equivelant of 5MPH up the side of his car. By this time he has looked forward and given a slight bit of accelerator, taps you, all too quick to realise (he is only human after all).

Quoting: philoldsmobile
about 5 mph

Okay, yes, the 'looking over your shoulder' should come into play, but are you telling me you do this while changing lanes in slow moving traffic every time??

Big Mouse

Quoting: philoldsmobile
1) trucks - just shocking, the standard of driving is so low its unbelievable

I used to despise lorry drivers as not giving a toss about other road users...then I bought a 7.5 ton lorry and it really opened my eyes to how other road users treat lorries!!

Since I've had it I been cut up loads of times; had countless twats being so close behind me that I can't see them in the mirrors which makes braking a lot more difficult, been sworn at because the lorry doesn't leap out onto a roundabout as quick as a ferrari when theres a gap in the traffic.

Today I had some numpty who just couldn't wait for 10 seconds for me to finish turning into the car park; he tried to pull past the end of the lorry without considering that the back of the lorry swings out - missed his A pillar by millimetres


i've driven 7.5t myself, so am aware how they are treated by other road users, but that doesn't justify them (especialy C+E) behaving the way they do.

while running my 125cc in i was going down the A422 at about 50mph, an eddie stobart lorry (artic, thus limited to 40mph on that road) was tailgating so close that when i looked over my shoulder all i could see was the radiator grille. he then proceded to swerve out, and overtake where there wasn't room, forcing a car coming the other way off the road.

it was the single worst piece of driving i have ever seen.  I made a formal complaint to eddie stobart, and their complants dept was shocked, it was also reported to the police, when you're on something not much bigger than a bycicle, a wagon and drag HGV less than 6 feet behind you is not a nice sight.

then there is the pointless and brainless overtaking on motorways, sometimes taking over half a mile to pass because they are all on 56mph speed limiters. on the M11 (2 lane motorway) this can cause horrendous traffic jams.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
then there is the pointless and brainless overtaking on motorways, sometimes taking over half a mile to pass because they are all on 56mph speed limiters. on the M11 (2 lane motorway) this can cause horrendous traffic jams.

Yup that pisses me off as well, as does seeing them tailgate each other which is plain stupid and fcuking dangerous

I do have a solution though for artics, simply break when they are behind you on a hill thus making them down shift like hell as they have lost momentum

F Body

Well you want to see the foreign  Artics through the M1 roadworks

The 50mph speed limit doesn't apply because our Police forces can't be bothered to prostitute them

They swerve from lane to lane, tailgate about 1m behind cars and even use the outside lane to try and get ahead

If you did that here or in their country you'd be banned in an instant

NB : But let he or she who is without sin cast the first stone, hence the reason we have car insurance !
Oh hang on what about the estimated 2m people driving without insurance


cough bad drivers always blame everyone else cough

our road system is designed in such a way it stops people thinking for themselves and makes them oblivious to everything outside their own bubble  thats why driving standards are going down, the nanny state

