the true size of our world...

Started by philoldsmobile, June 01, 2008, 06:56:50 PM

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F Body

We I now know that Uranus is a lot bigger than your home and that your Pullox is ruddy massive

Cunning Plan

Thats amazing, Im always real interested with anything to do with space..  

There was something of a similar nature at the Leciester Space Centre when we went earlier this year...  A camera above you took a picture and the screen showed you the top of your head and whoever was near at the time.  It then panned out to the top of the space centre like a satalite image, then panned out again to Leicester then again to England, then again to earth and so on until our galaxy was a tiny spec of dust unmongst 10000000000 other ones...

But heres the question, whats at the end of space...... eh eh?  Mind blowing..  
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: Cunning Plan

Thats amazing, Im always real interested with anything to do with space..

Im guessing you feel some kind of kinship for your home planet which ever one that may be


Quoting: Cunning Plan
But heres the question, whats at the end of space...... eh eh

Space itself is constantly expanding . . . so the question should be :

What is it expanding into ?

I do, at times, wish I had have gone to University . . . I was offered a choice between studying Astrophysics or Astronomy . . .

To be fair, I'd have preferred to study Astronomy but the Astrophysics would've had more chance of getting me a job.


What could've been . . . . . . . .


I looooove doughballs..... Tasty.....

Cunning Plan

Quoting: Roadkill
Space itself is constantly expanding . . . so the question should be :

Or is it on a cycle of expanding and contracting?  Big squeeze?  But yes, what is it expanding into?  More space?  How?

I figure that most things in physics are circular shaped.  Planets, atoms, molecules, etc.  I think that the universe / space is also one giant circular shape and at the end of space is not more space but instead you go around again back where you started.  However, the sheer scale of this circular object is so vast it seems endless.

If that is in anyway true, what the circular ball of space is sitting in would take some impressive guess..  
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Quoting: Roadkill

Space itself is constantly expanding . . . so the question should be :

What is it expanding into ?

I do, at times, wish I had have gone to University . . . I was offered a choice between studying Astrophysics or Astronomy . . .

To be fair, I'd have preferred to study Astronomy but the Astrophysics would've had more chance of getting me a job.


What could've been . . . . . . . .

i want to hit you dude

but on the other hand you might be driving a volo and wearing big jumpers


Quoting: Cunning Plan
I think that the universe / space is also one giant circular shape

I've read that it's expanding unevenly . . . the shape it was guessed to be actually resembles a three-dimensional curly wurly ! - Kinda branches splitting off everywhere . . .

Quoting: Gator
i want to hit you dude

I know.

In fairness, I took a year off to go to work for a bit.  In that year I ended up moving out of home, getting my own place and moving in with someone.

When I was due to start Uni was also the year the government took away the grants and replaced them with loans - meaning I'd finish Uni with a five-figure debt !

I can't complain.  I may not have a degree and a fancy job, but I've got my own house, and apart from mortgage, am fairly debt-free.


art b

surely the size of your world, is the bit you can populate/use not the bits that may/maynot exist,
next i will be told there is a parrallel universe that i can live in  
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
next i will be told there is a parrallel universe where im tall and good looking

Big Mouse

Oh for Gods sake, am I the only one who knows the answer to this???

have none of you watched Men In Black??

There is no 'larger' or 'expanding' universe; we're all part of an alien marble game, its that simple - and it was on the telly with pictures and everything so it must be true

Big Mouse

Seriously, if you want to give yourself a real headache read A Brief History of Time by the little dalek bloke in the wheelchair; its gob smacking trying to get your head around his ideas and theories.

I got stumped so bought the 'light' version of it, the Idiots Guide or A Brief History of Time for Dummies or whatever it was called and that wasn't much easier although it did have more pictures


If you like space stuff check out the latest version of Google Earth, you can now fly through space...\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Quoting: Big Mouse
Oh for Gods sake, am I the only one who knows the answer to this???

have none of you watched Men In Black??

There is no 'larger' or 'expanding' universe; we're all part of an alien marble game, its that simple - and it was on the telly with pictures and everything so it must be true

thats exactly what I was going to post seriously though all this stuff intrigues me too.  Fascinating stuff
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...



Quoting: Incursus
42 nuff said

But what's the question ?


Quoting: Roadkill
Quoting: Incursus
42 nuff said

But what's the question ?

What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

Big Mouse

Quoting: Incursus
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

Uh dude, I think you meant six by seven unless I missed something deep within the Hitchhikers Guide  


Quoting: Big Mouse
Quoting: Incursus
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
Uh dude, I think you meant six by seven unless I missed something deep within the Hitchhikers Guide

Well spotted that man  have a


Quoting: Incursus
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

Ah HA! - Exactly.

6 x 9 = 54 !

That's why I asked as both me and Sammy noticed at the end of Hitchhikers . . . that the question didn't match the answer.

Why I don't know . . .


Naturally, 6 multiplied by 9 is actually 54, leading to the comment about the universe having something wrong with it. 6 multiplied by 9 does equal 42 in base-13, but Douglas Adams categorically stated that he did not write jokes in base-13.

"I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe"


Ah, learn something new everyday.


I really should finish reading that book...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...