Novitec front spoiler, with pics....

Started by philoldsmobile, August 02, 2008, 01:56:23 PM

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i will now spend my days in mortal fear of speed humps, even though every measurement i've taken suggests it should clear with a couple inches to spare...


Quoting: philoldsmobile
i will now spend my days in mortal fear of speed humps, even though every measurement i've taken suggests it should clear with a couple inches to spare...

Your car doesn't look happy about the prospect of speed bumps....


come to think of it, it doesn't look very happy at all.....

art b

yea it needs a smiley spoiler.....
looks an improvement ont the b4 pic..

i wonder if it used to have a spoiler and it......fell off....

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Definatley look better with it, makes it look less of a chinless wonder.

Good job Phil!



Shouldn't this thread have been calle "Chav my Alfa"

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


hmm different cars im sure of it - look at the colour  

As i said earlier, it doesn't look much different to me apart from the less ground clearance....


Quoting: ianjpage
As i said earlier, it doesn't look much different to me apart from the less ground clearance....

My mum always said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all...  (hence I am a man of many words)

but same here tbh


lol what i ment was that unless phil had said he fitted it, i wouldn't have said "that looks different" ....


like i said, thats kinda exactly what i was aiming for, i didn't want something that looked 'stuck on' if someone who doesn't know a 166 doesn't spot what's different, then the piece works.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
i didn't want something that looked 'stuck on' if someone who doesn't know a 166 doesn't spot what's different, then the piece works.

thats fair to say i guess
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