Support for our military

Started by Big Mouse, August 07, 2008, 04:54:45 AM

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Big Mouse

I don't normally bother with these things on the grounds that I believe the government will ignore them no matter how many signatures they get or simply have the web site suffer a 'technical failure' (as they did before on the fuel charge petition) once they get to a level that they need to take it seriously

Putting aside your views on whether we should be in Afghanistan, Iraq or any where else that our troops serve; the point is they don't get a choice! and they are getting injured, or worse, and this government is doing the bare minimum to help them. An MoD typist got over £300,000 for a repetetive strain injury to her thumb yet a paratrooper that lost his legs amongst several other injuries got a lot less.

These guys and girls need support, and if this petition goes just 1 degree towards turning the government onto that idea then it will be worth it\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Please pass this on to as many people , forums etc that you can



Quoting: Big Mouse
An MoD typist got over £300,000 for a repetetive strain injury to her thumb yet a paratrooper that lost his legs amongst several other injuries got a lot less.

Not surprising but F*cking sickening.



My bro-in-law is over in Afghanistan, MSN'd me yesterday, told me how the helicopter he was yesterday morning in now has new bullet holes and had a close shave with a rocket....

Flip Martian

Signed also. I hope it does some good...

art b

done, over 77,000 signed.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

