My entire C.D collection for sale . . . .

Started by Roadkill, October 21, 2008, 12:50:46 PM

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ANOTHER 35 C.D's on tonight !

It's still barely made a dent on the total amount  though !


Quoting: Roadkill
ANOTHER 35 C.D's on tonight !  

and how many selling ???


Another load of C.Ds went on tonight.

Sold 15 / 50 of the last batch - not bad - made me over £30, anyway - plus a little bit on postage.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Yeah, yeah, blatent advertising I know, I know.


Over 50 now sold on ebay !

Even though that many are gone it's STILL hardly made a dent !

I reckon I've got about 200 left - easy - to go.

I also reckon I'm making a minimum of £2 profit (after fees etc) each - which is more than I expected !

Some have gone for £4+ and one even got up to £8 !

ebay 4 teh win !!!111


Quoting: Roadkill

Over 50 now sold on ebay !

Even though that many are gone it's STILL hardly made a dent !

I reckon I've got about 200 left - easy - to go.

I also reckon I'm making a minimum of £2 profit (after fees etc) each - which is more than I expected !

Some have gone for £4+ and one even got up to £8 !

ebay 4 teh win !!!111

Cool sold quite a few then

200 left, 2 quid a time profit = nice little earner (if they all sell)

8 quid.....for a second hand cd......


Quoting: ianjpage
8 quid.....for a second hand cd......

Yep - I only paid £5 for it originally (secondhand) !




Quoting: Fieldy
Dude, I bid on Staind, Dysfunction.

Are you after any others in particular ?


Quoting: Roadkill
Are you after any others in particular ?

hey ho, lets go - the ramones.

You want me to bid or just buy?


Quoting: Fieldy
You want me to bid or just buy?

You can make me an offer if you like - the staind one only has 1 watcher (you I'm guessing ) but most of the Ramones ones I put up last night already have a couple of watchers.


i'll just stick to the staind cd, i'll let someone else have the ramones, i have it, but cant be bothered to look for it, so thought it'd be easier to buy


Quoting: Fieldy
Dude, I bid on Staind, Dysfunction.



Yup, got it.

Notice I gave you reduced postage ?



Packed up - should go tomorrow.

I even replaced the clear CD tray-bit as the finger-things were broken.


Quoting: Roadkill
should go tomorrow

Cheers dude



I'm glad.  

I've received very little feedback and am a little concerned that they haven't made it to their new owners . . .

At least that's one I don't have to worry about.


Sold 22 out of 25 of tonights auctions !

Most expensive one went for £16.25.



21 out of 25 of tonights batch went.

Cheapest £1.50 - dearest £6.50.

I reckon about half have sold, now . . . . still plenty more to go !