Can insurance company = con artists!!!

Started by ianjpage, October 24, 2008, 08:45:33 AM

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Well had a nice morning doing the rinigng round insurance companies as got me renewal though this moring..

OK so my renewal from Adrian Flux comes though = 590 quid

(ok i expect it to be high as its fully comp, unlimited personal and unlimited business mileage with driving others cars as named benefit but almost 600 notes!!!)

So i call's up Sureterm, give them all the info bla bla bla......they don't do the driving other cars benefit OR business out 498 quid for them (with a 400 quid excess!!!!!!!!!)

Hang up from them, call MCE....give all info bla bla bla - after hanging on hold for an absoulte age, they come back wiht £445 (with 250 excess - same as AF current policy)

So i then call up Adrian flux and the conversation goes much like this:
"Hello, your renewal quote seems high"
"how do you mean sir"
"well you quoted me 590,  MCE are offering 445 quid"
"oh..........hang on a moment please"
<spend time on hold listening to cheesy hold musac>
"hello sir, the lowest renewal we can off you today is 435 quid"
"435.........why send me a letter daying 590 in the first place if you can offer that to me"
"erm erm erm"
"Never mind - ill take your lower price please"

What a complete con system though - if i hadn't bothere to do anything they woiuld have auto renewed for 590 quid...simply by spending a coiuple of hours on the phone i cut my quote by 155 quid........

Insurance = leagalised con/theft.....


They always win though mate because I bet 1/4 of their customers just renew without looking elsewhere


Oh hell yeah you can bet your bottom dollar on that - tis how they make their money !!!!!


yup.... i NEVER pay the renewal quote, its ridiculous...

although I'll be calling around next year all over again.....


hell yeah couple of hours on the phone to save 150 quid is definately worht it!!


I always get good prices off of sureterm - every year the price goes DOWN !


Yeah i remember youi saying before but there price was still high compared to MCE....


i dont see why they are con artists though they gave you a price you wernt prepared to pay they came back with a better price ect its haggling they are in business to make money why is that such a surprise


"hello sir, the lowest renewal we can off you today is 435 quid"

"Well, the highest I can offer you is 350. Take it or leave it."

Failing that, send them a renewal letter with whatever number you pick out of thin air.


Think that's bad?

The renewal for the Caddy from MCE came through at £890.

I rang Flux and got it down to £590.

I rang up MCE and told them and they put me on hold and came back with £540.

From £890 to £540!  Haggling is one thing but that's just plain daft.

I would have gone with Flux on principle except they have a "whatever your best price is elsewhere minus £10" policy which is all well and good except they also try it on with renewals to...


yeah, adrian flux tried it on with the saleen when i first got it, I'd previously had the truck insurance with them so I paid some extra when i bought the saleen.

my renewal came though at over £1400 which droped to £800 and something.... cheekky bastids.....

art b

ive gotta insure the ni$$an thats always a larf....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: Gator
i dont see why they are con artists though they gave you a price you wernt prepared to pay they came back with a better price ect its haggling they are in business to make money why is that such a surprise

Hmm OK maybe con artist a bit strong but tis definately off that they can drop 155 quid instantly without thinking about it!!

Quoting: Pod

"hello sir, the lowest renewal we can off you today is 435 quid"

"Well, the highest I can offer you is 350. Take it or leave it."

Failing that, send them a renewal letter with whatever number you pick out of thin air.

LOL id like to see that work seeing as they don't need our business so could say no thanks see ya!!........would be nice to try though!!

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Think that's bad?

The renewal for the Caddy from MCE came through at £890.

I rang Flux and got it down to £590.

I rang up MCE and told them and they put me on hold and came back with £540.

From £890 to £540! Haggling is one thing but that's just plain daft.

I would have gone with Flux on principle except they have a "whatever your best price is elsewhere minus £10" policy which is all well and good except they also try it on with renewals to...


Quoting: EDGE
my renewal came though at over £1400 which droped to £800 and something.... cheekky bastids.....

Sounds oh too familiar!!

Quoting: art b
ive gotta insure the ni$$an thats always a larf....

Good luck!!!



Agreed value for a blown 2002 Viper £700  OH oh thats a £ per BHP.........


I used headly when I first bought my truck. They were great on price but allegedly there was some legal problem with one of their sales guys. Something to do with selling the policy to the customer but not actually buying the cover from the underwriters just pocketing the cash. Again. This is just what I heard. One of them ended up in jail apparantly. Still. When I called and asked for either if my 2 sales guy who were the ones allegedly involved on the scam I was told I had to be put through to some one new who couldnt get the price anywhere near low enough. Very odd if you ask me. There again. No worse than McE who blatntly lie just to get your money. I could go ok about MCE for hours. Lieing little shi*s!


Quoting: VIPER

hmm forgot about them .. oh well maybe next year!!


Quoting: VIPER

They're SHITE with paperwork, though - I had the Caddy with them and had to chase three times to get the documents . . . then they were wrong . . . and when the policy expired they forgot to tell me !

It made me wonder how good they'd be in the event of a claim, so I didn't go back.

Flip Martian

It IS a con - they're telling you how much it will cost to renew but plainly lying about it. I'd have more respect for them if they gave an accurate price straight off.

Its been Sureterm for me too, for the Camaro since I bought it last year. They were the cheapest last year and sent me a renewal quote which was less this year...and I got it down to about £330 by being a member of this forum and a couple of others. Only had to send them a printout showing my membership profile page as proof.



Quoting: Flip Martian
Only had to send them a printout showing my membership profile page as proof.


I joined the NSRA to get my discount after being banned from the AACI . . .

Flip Martian

I guess different insurers have different requirements - but the policy Sureterm got me required "evidence of membership of user clubs or forums as it shows you're more likely to take good care of the car" I was told over the phone ("have you been to pistonheads lately?!" I thought!!).

Major result.

F Body

Well I got my renewal quote from Adrain Fux yesterday :


With the usual ( we will beat any other like for like quote by £10 )

Well I sorry but Adrain Flux are just brokers so should be giving me the best price available anyway

I'm not even going to go back to them because they refuse to do an agreed value policy

Sureterm :

Identical policy but with an agreed value £411.66

So that's £201.81 or 33% in my pocket


only reason i did't move to Sureterm was cos of the driving other cars & business mileage i needed!!



I just got a quote from my regular insurance company - Sureterm - for my new purchase and they quoted £242.

I then called 'Flux who quoted £130 for the same policy !!!

They then quoted £110 for the '58 - I'm paying £136 with Sureterm at the mo . . .

Think I'll be jumping ship . . . I've been with Sureterm for a few years now, but can't deny the savings with 'Flux.


Although I absolutely cannot stand MCE (ringing you several times a day every day from 1 month before your policy is due) I am currently paying £440 on the STS (unlimited miles) and just £178 on the IROC (limited miles).