This Weekend - Haloween & Alton Towers

Started by ianjpage, November 03, 2008, 03:30:25 AM

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Well what a busy weekend!!

Huge thanks to dean & sammy for the Haloween party Saturday night - really good fun and some costumes

Also was a really enjoyable day out at Alton Towers yesterday, good weather and cheap price = good day out

I have added a gallery for each of these so anyone with pics please can they either upload to gallery, link to them here, email me them or ftp them over so i can add them in please


Oh and we found the following in the van when we cleared it out - whos are they:

Black Scarf
Black wooly hat
Black (with silver handle) oval shaped umbrella


I really wanted to go to alton with you guys, but work patterns forced it off


Quoting: ianjpage
Black Scarf
Black wooly hat
Black (with silver handle) oval shaped umbrella

All mine I think

At least I remembered my giant clock


Good weekend had by all, methinks.

The smoke machine ROCKED


Quoting: ianjpage
ftp them over so i can add them in please

Will do it this afternoon.  Was a little too knackered last night

Quoting: Roadkill
The smoke machine ROCKED



Quoting: Incursus

All mine I think

LOL ok least we found the owner!!

Quoting: Incursus

Will do it this afternoon. Was a little too knackered last night

lol yeah me too.....


Hmm think I might have picked up a touch of man flu though



Quoting: Incursus
Hmm think I might have picked up a touch of man flu though

So far I seem to have survived that...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: Incursus
Quoting: ianjpage
ftp them over so i can add them in please

Will do it this afternoon.

done it

Quoting: FUBAR
Quoting: Incursus
Hmm think I might have picked up a touch of man flu though

So far I seem to have survived that...

Seems i've shaken it already

Knee is hurting though

art b

gr8 day out  

cant belive how dry and mild it was considering the weather during the week...

big thanx to ian and vicky for sorting it all....

Quoting: Incursus
Knee is hurting though

i bet there were a few aching muscles this morning....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

art b

how awesome were those rides in the dark.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: Incursus
done it

cool thanks, will add em in now!!

Quoting: Incursus
Knee is hurting though  

Too much walking ??

Quoting: art b

big thanx to ian and vicky for sorting it all....

Dont forget sam as she originaially instigated it

Quoting: art b
how awesome were those rides in the dark.....  

Oh hell yeah nemesis in the dark is


Quoting: ianjpage
Quoting: Incursus
Knee is hurting though
Too much walking ??

Dunno maybe walking on all those uneven surfaces

Still hurts today though, had to leave the bike at home again


Was a fantastic weekend. Really enjoyed Alton towers - those battle galleons were fun

So who's got the pics from the party though - would love to see them


Pics are now in the gallery ...

Haloween Party =\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Alton Towers =\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

I know there are more out there, so add em in people

Quoting: Incursus

Dunno maybe walking on all those uneven surfaces

Still hurts today though, had to leave the bike at home again

Hmm could be - not good though it still hurting now



Ian let us know on the fuel bill I forgot on Sunday.


Quoting: Incursus

Ian let us know on the fuel bill I forgot on Sunday.

I think i said a tenner-ish each ... sound fair ???


Quoting: ianjpage
Quoting: Incursus

Ian let us know on the fuel bill I forgot on Sunday.

I think i said a tenner-ish each ... sound fair ???


£80 worth of fuel thats quite impressive


I've asked Sammy to chase Kayleigh for her tenner, too.

Damn women, thinking they can get off scot free !


Quoting: Incursus


£80 worth of fuel thats quite impressive

annoyingly yeah but i have got 2 weeks off over christmas so i intend to strip the truck's manifold off and sort the misfire out - then it should dramatically increase the MPG (which atm is around 10-11)



Quoting: Incursus

Bank transfer or cold, hard cash?

hmm cash better - no rush tho - if you coming to Caldecotte on sunday that do (and i nbring your items of clothing )