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We're in

Started by nick69, December 10, 2008, 01:11:47 PM

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Well we are in our house. Minus most of our clothes as they are currently floating around an airport somewhere.  Luckily took me laptop in the plane with me as Tash' new DSLR camera is in one of the bags.

Its chilly Wood burner going, going out tmw to buy me a car

Wish me luck. I promise ill be sensible


dont be sensible... ffs...

glad to see you got there ok, shame about the luggage, it'll show up im sure...

make sure you buy something large, 4 wheel drive and hippy hating


dont worry, the one i want is BIG


Good to hear you arrived safe and sound.

Hippy hating truck sounds good to me.



no trans am yet ? heh heh


Quoting: Gator


no trans am yet ? heh heh

Hey duder. No T/A yet but it looks like I may have just bought a Ford F350 SD, pics to follow when I either buy a new camera or get my old one back lol.


Glad you made it safe!

I'm sure the bags (and imho more importantly the DSLR ) will turn up.

What's the weather like and where are you on google earth then?


Its around -4 atm the moment. Saturday is due to get down to -10.
Google is rubbish in our area but we are on the outskirts of Black Diamond, Calgary.

art b

glad to hear ur both well,
did the animals get there ok,
have ya found the local bar...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Animals are fine Art cheers. After a good bath and a decent feed they are well.


I just had a look at that on googl maps... it looks PROPER cold, like ice and penguins and eskimos...


better buy something big otherwise you might loose it on the driveway over night if it snows !!!!

how did you manage to get over there then, just took the visa and went or did you both secure jobs first?


Quoting: EDGE
how did you manage to get over there then, just took the visa and went or did you both secure jobs first?

This is turning into a potentially informative thread . . . . we don't get many of those !

Get some pictures up as soon as you've located your camera.


We both secured Jobs over here first which made life much easier. Still do-able without jobs mind.
I will say one thing though and thats MONEY!!
So far to get the pair of us over without including the animals has cost £13k, thats paperwork, solicitors,moving, shipping, flights, insurance, home costs both old house and new one.
Some of the costs were high because of the pets, we couldnt rent a place as 99% wont take animals.

As for the temperature, its due to get down to -20 on friday/saturday, thats during the day and -26 at night!!

This is the truck ive bought, well not the exact one but it looks the same:


Plus we are still on UK time. Its 5am here at the moment. AND COLD!!!!!!


nice truck mister looks like the tyres might stay on that un

what ya both doing jobwise then you got sorted bloody quick


nice truck

wow not cheap to do it then - spose its one of those things you do once (hopefully!!!) and thats it!!


Quoting: ianjpage

nice truck  

wow not cheap to do it then - spose its one of those things you do once (hopefully!!!) and thats it!!

you kidding 13k (price of a car) for a new life sounds like a friggin bargain


yeah, and if you've got no pets to take i bet its half that price...


Quoting: Gator

you kidding 13k (price of a car) for a new life sounds like a friggin bargain

Yeah i know dont get me wrong - still is a fair whack of money though thats all im trying to say!!!!


The pets made it even more. In total 2 large dogs and a cat to the door cost just shy of £6k. 2k of that is in the 13k above but the rest is on top.
Its not cheap to do but worth every penny if you can.


Nick can you adopt me??  I'm quite small and don't take up much room,  I'll even build my own house...

and before any of you ask, i got bagsys on being adopted....



Quoting: nick69

The pets made it even more. In total 2 large dogs and a cat to the door cost just shy of £6k. 2k of that is in the 13k above but the rest is on top.
Its not cheap to do but worth every penny if you can.

yeah i can well imagine it is so worth it...totally differnet lifestyle to over 'ere ....


Quoting: EDGE
I'm quite small and don't take up much room, I'll even build my own house...

You're also clearly a liar and you'd freeze to death before you finished the house.  How long did just the kitchen cabinets take?  


that was purely becuase the hired help was on a permenant coffee break!!!

ooohhhhhhh back at ya !


Actually yeah, you'd probably have got it done quicker if you didn't have any "help".