Typical Monday at work ?

Started by F Body, December 22, 2008, 08:00:59 AM

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F Body

We have a couple of major jobs starting today :

1 / Moving a 50 ton overhead crane from one part of the Press Shop to another.

2 / Decontaminating a large oil storage tank.

I started on the crane job at 06:50am this morning and the 80 ton mobile crane was finally in position at 11:30am, then we found out that we had the "wrong" 80 ton mobile crane, never mind it only costs £970 per hour

NB : Not at GM's cost, it's the Contractor Morris Cranes who have ducked up.

The second job involved removing 18,000 litres of contaminated oil from a storage tank, we got about 12,000 litres out and then found out that the last 6,000 litres have turned into a toffee like glue at the bottom of the tank
Tried breaking it up with high pressure fire hoses but it didn't work

Wonder what number three muck up will be


F Body

Way Hey I've just had number three

Been waiting for a delayed ( by five weeks ) shipment of machine equipment to arrive from the docks, they have just rung to say that's being held by DEFRA, until the wooden packing cases have been irradiated to kill any bugs
That will take another two weeks


Yep sounds like a good monday.


ahh sounds like a really fun monday for you then!!!

F Body