jezza tells it as it is....

Started by art b, February 06, 2009, 07:31:06 AM

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Yeah I saw that.

I'm not sure what they're complaining about.

Is he a scot?  Yes
Is he one eyed?  Yes
Is he an idiot?  Yes

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Is he a scot? Yes
Is he one eyed? Yes
Is he an idiot? Yes

Sounds about right to me

All he needs now is Ginger Hair

Flip Martian

He may be all 3 but being a Scot and 1 eyed has nothing to do with him being an idiot. The inference IS that being a Scottish 1 eyed idiot is worse than being an idiot. The 1st 2 are totally irrelevant. He shoulda known better really...

People will no doubt make much fuss about it. Still, stops people noticing the economy...


Quoting: Flip Martian
People will no doubt make much fuss about it. Still, stops people noticing the economy...

the same economy that was f****d up by a scottish one eyed idiot

Flip Martian


apparently clarkson has appologised for the one eyed comment.

no mention of an appology for calling him scottish or an idiot!