
Started by philoldsmobile, March 10, 2009, 09:59:58 AM

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just got back from the hospital - another abrasion of the cornea, not much they can do, just gotta squirt some cream into my eye 4 times a day, and wear specs instead of contacts for a few days.  

back to work tomorrow.


Oops - we were only saying the other day that you haven't done this in a while


yup - a year almost to the day!!

doc took a swab from under my eyelid, it was all clear, so it is not a contamination issue at work, so its likely just a rough bit of finger nail from here i bite them.. ho hum, must start using clippers!


funny thing is until last year i had never done it!!! been wearing lenses for 10 years now!


Quoting: philoldsmobile
another abrasion of the cornea


I don't know how you manage it.

I've been wearing contacts for 14 years with no problems.


Quoting: Roadkill
I don't know how you manage it.

I've been wearing contacts for 14 years with no problems.

Yeah but you never take them out


Quoting: Incursus
Yeah but you never take them out

Yeah I do . . . . once . . . .

F Body

Stupid Boy

Do you always put you fingers in your eyes


DOH you didn't want to be doing that did ya !!!

Very wierd about how we were talking about this recently......