FUBAR'ed my Thumb...

Started by Titsy, April 06, 2009, 07:28:01 AM

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Quoting: Andy
Suprised its not all mank underneath

I drilled a 0.5mm hole in the nale not long after doing it to drain the blood out, so the flesh healled quite well without pools of blood ubder the nail...

Quoting: Andy
Temptation would be to great for me to just pop that lil bugger off

There's nothing worse (save for taking a hit in the danglies) than when you damage nurves in the corner of your cuticals... It stings like a mutha for ages, so I have no intention of upsetting things.... it will come when it's ready... Till then i'm taping it down with some microporous tape...


Haha, if you say so. I wouldn't want to find out the hard way.

Do you reckon its stopping the new nail growing? My mate nearly has a full nail again. Hasn't stopped him get cocky with the pillar drill again..

F Body

Don't really know much about Nails

Wasn't much on Wikipedia just this picture


WTF is that?! Looks like something crawled under there and died!


Quoting: Andy
Looks like something crawled under there and died

The worrying thing is I wouldn't be suprised if you're right!!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...