GM offically not Bankrupt but Restructuring !

Started by F Body, June 01, 2009, 10:57:08 AM

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F Body

No surprise that my employer GM has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy

However GME has been bought by Magna a Canadian parts supplier with money loaned by the German government

The good news is GM america will survive, but will be a very different company at the end of it and the bad news is GME run by the Germans will close all the factories outside Germany.


ahh good and bad news then....i take it that means GM luton is gone then - is it offical yet or not?


It's amazing it hasn't happened sooner, TBH . . .

F Body

Quoting: ianjpage
i take it that means GM luton is gone then - is it offical yet or not?

No official news on anything yet, it's going to take a few weeks for the Germans to decide who gets shot first

Just hoping that we "Luton plant" can hang in there until the economy's picked up

Note : I'm good at gardening, painting & car valeting, special MKB rates to follow


fingers crossed for ya mate my mrs hears whether she has a job in the next couple of weeks

F Body

Still wasting millions on unnecessary advertising\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">



Quoting: F Body

No official news on anything yet, it's going to take a few weeks for the Germans to decide who gets shot first

bummer not good then .... hope it all goes well for you either way!


Quoting: F Body
I'm good at gardening

Good luck with it, mate.

Fingers crossed you hold on.

F Body

I had to change the title

Just had an e-mail from mission control in Detroit, ALL employees MUST NOT refer to the term "bankruptcy"

ALL comments must be termed under the phrase " Restructuring "

and you wonder why GM had to " Restructure " anyway


Quoting: Roadkill
Good luck with it, mate.  

Fingers crossed you hold on.

Indeed I hope things work out, you're not the only person i've got my fingers crossed for atm either, stupid recession
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


the government have just bought a 60% stake of GM for $30 billion...

that'll pisss all the federal govermnet hating southerners off


Quoting: F Body
I had to change the title

Big Brother's watching you . . . . . .

Flip Martian

Yup fingers crossed...heard about this on the radio yesterday and thought it was your place under threat... Hopefully the factory will hold on for a good while yet.


Sadly it's quite common for people to associate Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection with a company actually going under.

People assume GM (or whoever) are actually closing down and that's it.

Of course, that being the case it makes matters worse for the company as people are afraid to buy their product.

Even in the worst case scenario GM as a whole isn't going anywhere, they have some valuable brands etc so it's not like it'll all just disappear.  I know the Chinese are very interested in buying Cadillac, arguably their most valuable brand.

My only concern re their future is the Chevy Volt, which the government want them to make (small, hybrid etc) but it's just too expensive at £30k (the projected UK price of its sister the Ampera).

Shame, as at under 20k I'd be interested myself.


Nationalised Industry... so the Commies ARE winning after all!!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body


Quoting: F Body
with Hummer's sold to the Chinese

But they've been making them for years!...
This one is in the Beijing Museum of Military History...\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

Quoting: F Body
Just had an e-mail from mission control in Detroit, ALL employees MUST NOT refer to the term "bankruptcy"

ALL comments must be termed under the phrase " Restructuring

YA gotta love corperate speak....

ha ha ha    different name same sh!t.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Quoting: art b
YA gotta love corperate speak....

ha ha ha different name same sh!t.....

Some people have way too much time on there hands\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">



F Body

Another late one tonight, Magna our new owners are currently doing a site visit in Luton


Few big meetings going on this week ..So i here...

Good luck

F Body

GM's new Chairman 67 year old Edward Whitacre admits he knows nothing about cars\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

FFS people this is why GM got into this mess in the first place