Call to arms - Engine removal, fix and replace

Started by Jamieg285, November 02, 2009, 07:20:40 AM

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You may have seen in one of my other posts that I've got a cracked flexplate, and I need to get this fixed ASAP.

Due to the bitch of a job that it proved to be last time, I've decided that it's a much more sensible option to pull the engine to replace it, and sort a few other jobs at the same time.

I hoping to find some volunteers to assist me with the trickier bits, were 2-3 pairs of hands are required.

I've located the part and hope to have it in 5-10 days.  I'll be doing this on a weekend, starting on Friday and (hopefully) completed by Sunday.

Thanks to the volunteers so far, the weekend will be the

11-13 Dec

All help is appreciated, if only for a few hours or 2-3 days.  Food and drink will be provided, and some floor space if anyone wants to stay over Fri/Sat evenings.

More details on the plans available if required.


Quoting: Jamieg285
13-15 Oct
20-21 Oct

Delorean on standby?

Quoting: Jamieg285
11-13 Dec
Free this weekend I think.



Quoting: Incursus

Quoting: Jamieg285
13-15 Oct
20-21 Oct

Delorean on standby?

Doh!  Well I did say I needed it done quickly

Original post now corrected.


I'm free during the day on 14th - 15th if that helps.


Quoting: Incursus
Quoting: Jamieg285
11-13 Dec
Free this weekend I think.

Quoting: Andy
I'm free during the day on 14th - 15th if that helps.

Ta muchly.  I'll see which day(s) get the best responses before choosing the date.

F Body

Quoting: Jamieg285
Candidate weekends are :

13-15 Nov Out on a bender with work Friday night & wedding Aniversary on the Saturday

20-22 Nov Up in Manchester this weekend for the mother in laws birthday

11-13 Dec
Currently free


Quoting: Jamieg285
13-15 Nov

Way too busy for that one . . .

Quoting: Jamieg285
20-22 Nov

That's the LAN, I believe.

Quoting: Jamieg285
11-13 Dec

So far, can do.


Quoting: Jamieg285
20-22 Nov

Quoting: Roadkill
That's the LAN, I believe

What he said, but i'm free for the other dates...


Righto, from the responses, it looks like the 11-13 December is the best weekend to go for  (I just hope the car lasts that long, otherwise it'll have to be sooner).

Thanks for all the offers - many hands should make light work


If you were able to get the car and new engine to Buckingham then I may be able to arrange use of the loading bay at work...


Quoting: Andy

I'm free during the day on 14th - 15th if that helps.

Actually scrap that.

Having actually looked at my diary can't do any of November, all booked for sound or parties...

11th-13th should be good though


Quoting: Titsy
If you were able to get the car and new engine to Buckingham then I may be able to arrange use of the loading bay at work...

What would that benefit us?  
Apart from being in a nice, warm, roomy workshop?


Quoting: Titsy
new engine

No, it's the same engine.  

At a minimum I need to pull it, separate engine and 'box, to enable replacement of flexplate.

While it's out I'm going to give engine, box and undercarriage a clean down and replace the rear main seal and pan gasket.  Hopefully there's some time to do some minor fixes to the wiring, and possibly some firewall repairs.  I may think of some other stuff too.


Quoting: Andy
11th-13th should be good though


The food/drink bill is rising, but what the hell, the more the merrier.


Quoting: Jamieg285
Apart from being in a nice, warm, roomy workshop?

That would be the ticket... I was thinking that it might be done a bit quicker in a lit workshop as working outside in the dark and cold (short days in December) isn't easy on the fingers or the eyes...

Quoting: Jamieg285
While it's out I'm going to give engine, box and undercarriage a clean down and replace the rear main seal and pan gasket. Hopefully there's some time to do some minor fixes to the wiring, and possibly some firewall repairs. I may think of some other stuff too.

That said, it's probably best to do it at yours as cleaning the engine down is going to make a mess that's nnot easily contained...


Quoting: Jamieg285

11-13 Dec

should be avail, looks empty ATM


All the replacement parts are now here  

Just got to wait for the weekend now


oh yeah while i remember () van all fixed ready for next weekend now


Quoting: ianjpage
van all fixed ready for next weekend now

Good stuff - did you find that piece of paper yet?


Quoting: Jamieg285

Good stuff - did you find that piece of paper yet?

lol no not yet...but we have moved since


I'm going to have to bail on this, I'm affraid, mate.

I've simply not got enough time in the day to get everything done so am slowly falling behind schedule on all the jobs I have to do.  Couple that with the recent new tasks of helping my parents out and just can't fit it in.



Quoting: Roadkill
I'm going to have to bail on this, I'm affraid, mate.

No worries, as long as you're not the first of many, I'll still be OK  

Thanks for the original offer anyway.

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
I've simply not got enough time in the day to get everything done

You can still come in the evening

Quoting: Jamieg285
as long as you're not the first of many

I'll be there


Christmas part on the 11th so might have to wait till I sober up before driving over on the Saturday