Engine Swap planning - 11-13th December

Started by Jamieg285, November 30, 2009, 03:22:53 PM

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F Body

Quoting: F Body
( Loads of pictures but they are still on my mobile, until I upload at work ).

At work now

Saturdays Pictures :

Sunday's Pictures :

She lives !!!!!!!!

14:30pm jamie goes for a sucessful test drive

All finished :

14:45pm finished cleaning the tools, putting them away and mopping up Q8

Job done


bloody hell fair play looks like one of them jobs where it all went right

F Body

Quoting: Gator
looks like one of them jobs where it all went right

We had some fun with the engine timing, first of all it just back fired, so we figured we had put the dizzy in 180 degrees around ( difficult to tell because we had rotated the crankshaft a few times to undo various bolts ).
Removed the cap, plug wires etc and turned the dizzy 180 degrees

Then it wouldn't run at all

So we had to resort to..........................

the Hanes Manual

It was right, but just far too advanced, or was it retarded ??
Anyway we buggered about for a while with the timing light and got it spot on

We even had time to play with the tracking, we intended to straighten up the steeering wheel at dead centre, but ran out of adjustment on the near side track rod end

F Body

Quoting: Gator
looks like one of them jobs where it all went right

The most important fact was that Jamie has had every part of this car apart or out several times before, so he was a font of knowledge of what to do and what not to do

He also has all the right tools and equipment

Although I did need to remind him to put the torque converter bolts back in before we put the engine/gearbox back :lucky:

art b

well done guys
looks like you done a good job.....

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Yep, once again, HUGE thanks to Martyn.  Without him giving up his weekend, I'd have never got this done.

Between us, we ensured that any hicups were just that and didn't turn into big problems.

So far all is looking good.  The vibration is gone and so far no signs of fluid leaks (Debs will be happy , although that does mean I'll have to properly clean the drive now )


Well done guys. Sorry I couldn't have helped. Having to do family stuff



Sorry I couldn't make it, something important came up


well done, although there is no photographic evidence martin helped.....