Mobile Communication ?

Started by F Body, December 17, 2009, 03:03:28 PM

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F Body

I was worried about using a hands free mobile phone


I can see two rigs in there I/we used to own.

According to the last person we got spoken to regarding the law, use of a PTT mic isn't covered under the whole hands free kit requirments. So, as long as it's not a distraction TX is fully legal.


Err OK... HAM's are an odd lot...


art b

what sort of a tw@t would drive that......
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Yup, CB's (or HAM) are exempt from the mobile phone regs.

Gonna get a CB for the Jeep.  


Oi oi! CB'ers are not Hams

We take an exam that's an equivalent to a physics A level, rather than buy our licenses.



Callsign? Depending on how long ago it was since he was on the air, me or my dad might have worked him


Can't remember dude, you're talking 20 years ago...  

I remember he had some mahoosive Kenwood receiver, then he got his Yeasu(?) Transceiver which was about £1,400 second hand, nearly 20 years ago.

He got rid of the lot when they moved to a much smaller house with virtually no garden.

Just has an old Sony SW receiver these days.

I was more a scanner man myself, would love to get a mobile scanner for the Jeep.  I used to have a 1,000 channel Radio Shack one that was the nuts but I sold it when I moved to London, got good money for it too...